eISSN: 2719-3209
ISSN: 0023-2157
Klinika Oczna / Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica
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SCImago Journal & Country Rank
vol. 107
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Ana­li­za przy­czyn in­wa­lidz­twa wzro­ko­we­go na pod­sta­wie opi­nii są­do­wo­-l­eka­rskich

Damian Czepita
Ma­ria Żej­mo

  1. Katedra i Klinika Okulistyki z Zakładem Patofizjologii Narządu Wzroku Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
  2. Katedra i Zakład Mikrobiologii i Immunologii Pomorskiej Akademii Medycznej w Szczecinie
Klinika Oczna 2005, 107(4-6): 300-303
Data publikacji online: 2005/07/02
Pełna treść artykułu Pobierz cytowanie

To determine visual invalidity causes based on medical-court opinions.

Material and methods
An analysis of 337 medical-court opinions requested by the Public Insurance Department of the State Court in Szczecin has been carried out. The opinions concerned 189 men and 148 women at the age ranging from 23 to 96 years old. The average age was 52 years. The causes of appeals have been analyzed as well as admitted welfare assistance due to disablement and none self-reliance.

It was found that a trauma of an eye was the most frequent cause of applying a request for acknowledgment of partial disablement (13.4%) or complete disablement (25.8%). The most frequent reason of being not self-reliant was glaucoma (16.4%). It has been observed that the most often accepted by court cause of partial disablement was the undergoing of an eye injury (22.8%). Glaucoma was the most often accepted by court cause of complete disablement (17%) and none self-reliance (15.4%).

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inwalidztwo wzrokowe, opinie sądowo-lekarskie

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