eISSN: 2354-0265
ISSN: 2353-6942
Health Problems of Civilization Physical activity: diseases and issues recognized by the WHO
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vol. 12
Original paper

Long-term complications of diabetes and the risk of diabetic foot

Iwona Krysiak-Zielonka

Health Prob Civil. 2018; 12(1): 14-21
Online publish date: 2018/03/23
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Chronic complications of diabetes are presently the most vital problem in diabetology and the most significant challenge in the treatment of the diseases. Because of peripheral neuropathy and macroangiopathy, people with diabetes are particularly vulnerable to foot problems. The following study aims to evaluate the development of chronic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes, with a particular focus on the prevalence of limb ischemia symptoms.

Material and methods
The study involved patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-diabetic persons at a similar age. Diabetics were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 consisted of type 2 diabetic patients with no trophic lesions of the limbs; Group 2 included patients with diabetic foot disease; and the control group (Group 3) were the non-diabetic elderly. The study was to analyse the incidence of retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy in both diabetic groups. Besides, it was to evaluate changes in macroangiopathy among diabetic patients and the control group.

In all groups, symptoms of lower limb ischaemia were assessed, which allowed making comparisons between them. The studied material indicated that the occurrence of diabetic ulcers is mostly associated with macroangiopathy and its symptoms, polyneuropathy and particular types of neuropathy, retinopathy and horny foot skin.

An interdisciplinary approach to the problem of the diabetic foot allows recognising its early clinical symptoms.


diabetes mellitus, chronic complications of diabetes, diabetic foot

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