eISSN: 2353-9461
ISSN: 0860-7796
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vol. 105

Micropropagation of Dipcadi montanum (Dalz.) Baker (Asparagaceae): a rare scapigerous herb

Sautrik Basu
Emadul Islam
Debraj Chakraborty

  1. Post Graduate Department of Botany, Barasat Government College, Barasat, West Bengal, India
BioTechnologia vol. 105(2) ∙ pp. 159–167 ∙ 2024
Online publish date: 2024/06/25
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Dipcadi montanum (Dalz.) Baker (Asparagaceae) is a rare scapigerous herb endemic to the Western Ghats, a glo­bal biodiversity hotspot running parallel to the western coast of India. This study reports the development of a re­producible protocol for mass propagation of this underutilized geophyte using bulb scale and immature leaf base explants. Miniature bulblets were successfully induced from both types of explants after 4 and 8 weeks of cul­ture on full-strength semisolid MS basal medium fortified with 3% sucrose and varying levels of BAP (4.4–17.7 μM) and TDZ (4.5–18.1 μM). The addition of 2.7 μM NAA further enhanced the rate of microbulb induction. Rooting of the 8-week-old bulblets, obtained from both explants, was achieved with more than 90% effi­ciency on liquid as well as agar-gelled half-strength MS basal medium fortified with varying levels of IBA (2.46–9.84 μM) and NAA (2.68–10.74 μM), with or without 2.32 μM Kinetin. More than 95% of the rooted plants survived the initial accli­ma­tization process under controlled ex-vitro conditions, and a survival rate of over 80% was recorded after 4 weeks of transfer to greenhouse conditions. After a brief dormancy, the regenerants resumed growth in the postmonsoon season and exhibited morphological resemblance to the donor plant. Comparative cytological ana­lysis between the donor and 15 randomly selected regenerants revealed a stable somatic count of 2n = 20.

Dipcadi montanum, bulbous geophyte, mass propagation, cytology

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