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vol. 122 Editorial
Marcin Stopa
Online publish date: 2020/10/14
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Content of the issue 3/2020 of ”Klinika Oczna/Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica”REVIEW ARTICLELubiński et al. present the current state of knowledge on the pathogenesis and diagnostics of Stargardt disease, and the effects of treatment attempts.ORIGINAL ARTICLESMyopiaKropacz-Sobkowiak et al. evaluate the effects of multifocal contact lenses with medium and high additions, designed to control the progression of myopia, on the short-term visual functions in healthy young adults.Retinal vascular imaging in childrenKlincewicz et al., based on OCTA findings, show differences in the size of the foveal avascular zone and macular vascular density between pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel diseases and healthy controls.GlaucomaMajer et al. evaluated the efficacy of goniotomy ab interno performed simultaneously with cataract phacoemulsification in reducing intraocular pressure in a group of 75 patients.KeratoconusMaleszka-Kurpiel et al. report on their examination of 146 eyes in a total of 73 patients with keratoconus, and present parameters showing statistically significant differences between the better and worse eyes.CASE REPORTSRakusiewicz et al. report a case of isolated ocular myositis in a 19-month-old boy. Rogaczewska and Stopa describe the successful treatment with cyclosporin A drops in a 15-year-old female patient with a one-year history of multiple corneal opacities after epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Pelińska et al. present the procedure of medial transposition of the lateral rectus muscle in a patient with complete paralysis of the oculomotor nerve following a neurosurgical procedure. Słomska et al. discuss the treatment of a 39-year-old man diagnosed with Vogt- Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, which rarely occurs in the Polish population. *** The summer is drawing to a close, and the holiday season is over. Ahead of us, there are conferences, symposia and training sessions, which are typically abundant at this time of the year. As expected, the majority of scheduled meetings will be held in the format of online video conferences. In this undoubtedly extraordinary situation, I want to give a particularly warm encouragement to the readers of “Klinika Oczna/Acta Ophthalmologica Polonica” to browse through the papers featured in this issue of our journal. I wish you all a thoroughly pleasant reading experience.Marcin Stopa, MD, PhD, FEBO Editor-in-Chief 1.