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Review paper
Bone-spicule pattern in retinitis pigmentosa
Krzysztof Eder,
Rafał Leszczyński,
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek,
Paulina Langosz,
Sebastian Sirek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 173-178
Online publish date: 2024-12-30
Review article
Organ of vision in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
Mirosława Grałek,
Anna Niwald,
Katarzyna Piasecka,
Anna Krzymianowska,
Ewa Lipiec
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 179-182
Online publish date: 2024-07-09
Original paper
Mobile model of ophthalmological care for children with retinopathy of prematurity in the southern region of Ukraine
Sergii Katsan,
Anastasiia Adakhovska,
Nataliya Pasyechnikova
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 183-189
Online publish date: 2024-07-11
Original article
Early detection of the retinal bioelectrical dysfunction in patients treated by chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine
Wojciech Lubiński,
Tomasz Kubacki,
Marek Brzosko,
Maciej Mularczyk
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 190-194
Online publish date: 2024-12-30
Case report
Vitrectomy for full-thickness macular hole developed during aflibercept treatment for wet age-related macular degeneration
Agnieszka Nowosielska
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 195-197
Online publish date: 2024-12-30
Case report
Listeria monocytogenes endophthalmitis – case report with a good visual outcome
Milena Grad,
Patrycja Duda,
Barbara Terelak-Borys,
Edyta Czapczyńska,
Iwona Grabska-Liberek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 198-202
Online publish date: 2024-12-30
Case report
Loeys-Dietz syndrome
Bogumiła Wójcik-Niklewska,
Erita Filipek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 203-206
Online publish date: 2024-12-30
Zarys dokonań naukowych profesora Wiktora Feliksa Szokalskiego
Aleksandra Ziemba,
Anna Hitnarowicz,
Erita Filipek
KLINIKA OCZNA 2024, 126, 4: 207-208
Online publish date: 2024-12-30