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vol. 108 abstract:
Original paper
Efficacy and safety of deep sclerectomy and phacoemulsification and deep sclerectomy in clinical material of Military Health Service Institute – yearly observations
Marek Rękas
Joanna Wierzbowska
Katarzyna Lewczuk
Anna Siemiątkowska
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2006/12/21
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Comparison of the effectiveness of nonpenetrated deep sclerectomy (DS) as the only procedure in relation to operation combined with phacoemulsification (FDS) in treatment of patients with open-angle glaucoma based on yearly observation. Material and methods 67 eyes with open-angle glaucoma were retrospectively analyzed. Applying layer-systematic criteria 21 eyes after deep sclerectomy with scleral implant (SKGEL/Corneal or T-flux/I-Tech) were selected into group I (DS implant) and 23 eyes after phacoemulsification with simultaneously performed deep sclerectomy and scleral implants were selected into group II (FDS implant). In control studies best corected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber and fundus, were examined. Postoperative complications and applied procedures were analyzed especially controlling hypotensive effect (goniopuncture, antimetabolites), as well as number of glaucoma medications used. Tests were performed in 1 and 7 days after surgery, and later after 1, 3, 6, 12 months. Statistically test U Mann-Whitney was used as well as pair sequence Wilcoxon test. Survival analysis was done with Kaplan-Meier method with the use of log rank test. Results After 360 days of observation mean values of IOP in group I was 14.3 ± 3.6 mmHg, and in group II – 12.9 ± 3.0 mmHg. It was a decrease of mean IOP by 29.6% (p=.000) and 41.4% (p=.000) in comparison to preoperative IOP in particular groups. In both groups fewer glaucoma medications were used after surgery and the results were statistically significant (p<.05). As a complete success rate was considered IOP of ≤ 18 mmHg without glaucoma medications, and qualified success rate was IOP of ≤ 18 mmHg without medications or with the most of two glaucoma medications. Complete and qualified success rate were achieved respectively in group I (72.6% and 88.4%) and in group II (74.3% and 86.9%) at the end of observation. In the entire observation there were no statistically significant differences between group I and 2 (p>.05). After 360 days of observation there was no statistically significant difference between mean BCVA in group I and II (p>.05). Conclusions DS with scleral implant performed as a single procedure or FDS is effective treatment in open-angle glaucoma. keywords:
deep sclerectomy, phacoemulsification and deep scelerectomy, open angle-glaucoma |