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Original paper
Cataract surgery in eyes after vitrectomy filled with long-term silicone oil tamponade
Ewa Bilińska,
Jerzy Nawrocki
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Evaluation of the results of cataract extraction and lens implantation in victrectomized eyes
Ewa Bilińska,
Jerzy Nawrocki
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
The evaluation of the results of cataract surgery in eyes after silicone oil removal
Ewa Bilińska,
Jerzy Nawrocki
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Surgical treatment of giant retinal tear
Jolanta Oficjalska-Młyńczak,
Maria Muzyka-Woźniak,
Jarosław Marek,
Hanna Zając-Pytrus
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Vascular flow in patients with retinal detachment in the colour Doppler's ultrasonography
Krystyna Raczyńska,
Anna Grabowska,
Ewa Zdybel,
Michał Studniarek,
Hanna Dembicka,
Marzena Klawitter-Rydz
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Evaluation of early postoperative astigmatism with respect to anterior chamber opening
Piotr Jurowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Transscleral fixation as lens surgery method
Jerzy Szaflik,
Ewa Langwińska-Wośko,
Mariusz Rowiński,
Anna Maria Ambroziak
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Evaluation of the usefulness of corneal scanning topography performed with Orbscan for the localization of corneal transplantation due to keratoconus
Ewa Iwaszkiewicz,
Wojciech Kołodziejczyk,
Marek Czubak,
Marek Rostkowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Transplantation of amniotic membrane for patients with bullous keratopathy and chemical and thermal burns
Agnieszka Siennicka,
Hanna Pecold-Stępniewska,
Marcin Czajka
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
The evaluation of the dependence between the lens thickness and intraocular pressure after cataract extraction in patient with glaucoma
Wojciech Kątski,
Jerzy Toczołowski,
Paweł Klonowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Terson syndrom in course of cerebral aneurysm – clinical assessment
Agnieszka Nowosielska,
Wojciech Czarnecki,
Mirosław Ząbek
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Occurence of myopia among students ranging from 6 to 18 years of age
Damian Czepita,
Wojciech Gosławski,
Artur Mojsa
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Possibilities of spontaneous regression in active phase of ROP
Marek Prost
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Investigation of mucin layer of tear film in patients with pterygium
Małgorzata Marzęta,
Jerzy Toczołowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Original paper
Eyeballs motility in oblique plane among healthy persons
Lidia Puchalska-Niedbał
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Case report
Posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy – diagnostic difficulties
Ewa Iwaszkiewicz,
Wojciech Kołodziejczyk,
Marek Czubak,
Piotr Tesla
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Case report
Terson syndrome – case reports
Mariusz Kosatka,
Marek Rękas
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
Terson Syndroms
Agnieszka Nowosielska,
Wojciech Czarnecki
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
The surgical correction of presbyopia
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Dorota Wyględowska-Promieńska
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
Phacic IOL
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Krzysztof Ochalik
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
Pterygium – lying in wait menace
Jacek Robaszkiewicz,
Stanisław Mrzygłód
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
Physiological basis of visual acuity measurement
Małgorzata Figurska,
Marek Rękas
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Review article
Familial high myopia – challenge of modern genetics
Joanna Adamiec,
Maria Hanna Niżankowska
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Educational article
Opening History of Ophthalmology
Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Educational article
Notes on the state of ophthalmology in the ancient Egypt
Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
In memoriam
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Hańczyc
Maria Hanna Niżankowska
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
In memoriam
Dr n. med. Bronisława Dyszyńska-Rościszewska
Nadzieja Szewczyk-Bocheńska
Online publish date: 2003-02-11
Short communication
Sprawozdanie z III Sympozjum Jaskry Polskiego Towarzystwa Okulistycznego
Anna Turno-Kręcicka
Online publish date: 2003-02-11