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Original paper
Vitrectomy with intravitreal antibiotic administration in exogenous endophthalmitis treatment in eyes with vision better than light perception
Marcin Stopa,
Jarosław Kocięcki
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Combined surgical and pharmacological treatment of diabetic maculopathy
Jacek Robaszkiewicz,
Katarzyna Chmielewska,
Małgorzata Figurska,
Małgorzata Frontczak-Baniewicz,
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Changes of the retinal thickness in the macula region in primary open-angle glaucoma patients measured with RTA analyzer
Barbara Polaczek-Krupa,
Iwona Grabska-Liberek
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Analysis of rate, types and causes of uveitis in children hospitalized at Ophthalmology Clinic in Wroclaw in years 2001-2006
Małgorzata Iwanejko,
Anna Turno-Kręcicka,
Anna Barć
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
The results of the treatment of the cataract in children and youth treated in Ophthalmology Clinic in Poznań
Joanna Siwiec-Prościńska,
Anna Gotz-Więckowska,
Krzysztof Załęcki,
Jarosław Kocięcki,
Andrzej Dmitriew
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Screening of selected parameters of visual system in children at the age of 6 to 10 in Great Poland area
Danuta Pieczyrak,
Bogdan Miśkowiak
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Temperament evaluation of patients with central serous retinopathy, preliminary report
Hanna Lesiewska-Junk,
Grażyna Malukiewicz,
Marcin Jaracz,
Marzenna Brożek-Pestka,
Alina Borkowska
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Original paper
Neurofibromatosis type 1 – own experiences
Grzegorz Czajkowski,
Jakub Kałużny,
Agnieszka Jatczak-Gaca,
Mariusz Wysocki
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Hidradenocarcinoma eccrinale syringomatodes of the eyelid – case of a rare malignancy
Karolina Ziaja,
Arkadiusz Pogrzebielski,
Jolanta Orłowska-Heitzman,
Bożena Romanowska-Dixon
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Serpiginous choroidopathy – spectrum of fundus changes in 3 years of follow up
Anna Wyrwicka,
Piotr Jurowski
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Endophthalmitis following intravitreal triamcinolone acetonid injection – a case report
Agnieszka Jamrozy-Witkowska,
Iwona Grabska-Liberek,
Katarzyna Kowalska,
Jolanta Oficjalska-Młyńczak
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Use of bevacizumab as an additional strategy in angle closure glaucoma – case report
Iwona Helemejko,
Joanna Jurowska-Liput
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Posterior ischemic optic neuropathy following bilateral radical dissection of cervical lymph nodes
Iwona Obuchowska,
Zofia Mariak,
Radosław Budrowski
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Case report
Refractive laser eye surgery and binocular vision disorders – case report
Ewa Zamojska,
Piotr Loba,
Elżbieta Archacka,
Anna Broniarczyk-Loba
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Review article
Clinical characteristics of penetrating ocular injuries with intraocular foreign body. Part I. Pathogenesis and clinical features
Iwona Obuchowska,
Katarzyna J. Napora,
Aneta Sidorowicz,
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Review article
Clinical characteristics of penetrating ocular injuries with intraocular foreign body. Part II. Diagnostics and treatment
Iwona Obuchowska,
Aneta Sidorowicz,
Katarzyna J. Napora,
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
Review article
The psychological consequences of amblyopia
Joanna Łazarczyk-Kirejczyk,
Agata Szulc,
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk
Online publish date: 2010-03-21
In memoriam
Dr n. med. Wiesława Winogrodzka (1928-2009)
Zofia Mariak
Online publish date: 2010-03-21