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Original paper
Photodynamic therapy with indocyanine green for choroidal neovascularization caused by age-related macular degeneration – a preliminary report
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska,
Maria Starzycka
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
The influence of spontaneous posterior vitreous detachment in resolution of diabetic macular edema in NIDDM
Agnieszka Nowosielska,
Jacek Robaszkiewicz,
Ewa Graczyńska,
Wojciech Czarnecki,
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Neuroendocrine tumors of visual system – Merkel cell carcinoma
Heinrich Holak,
Ulrich Weber,
Nikolai Holak,
Konrad Donhuijsen
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
LASer in situ Keratomileusis complications – corneal flap striae and folds – own material
Dorota Wyględowska-Promieńska,
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Correction of high myopia with anterior chamber angle-supported phakic intraocular lenses – own results
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura,
Krzysztof Ochalik,
Ariadna Gierek-Łapińska,
Barbara Myga
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Limbal stem cell transplantations from HLAcompatible living-related donors. Long-term observation
Edward Wylęgała,
Dorota Tarnawska,
Ewa Marta Wróblewska
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Role of astigmatism in the creation of myopia
Damian Czepita,
Dorota Filipiak
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Results of treatment of retinal detachment in active stage 5 retinopathy of prematurity
Marek E. Prost
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
The prognostic significance of shape of dema rcation line and ridge in clinical course of active phaze of retinopathy of prematurity
Jacek Ciechan,
Marek Gerkowicz,
Ewa Wróblewska
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
The results of diode laser treatment of active phase of retinopathy of prematurity
Anna Gotz-Więckowska,
Jarosław Kocięcki,
Ewa Burchardt-Kroll,
Janusz Gadzinowski
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
The surgical results of correcting strabismus with inferior oblique hyperfunction
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk,
Beata Urban,
Joanna Łazarczyk
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Genetic instability in human malignant uveal melanomas
Ewa Proniewska-Skrętek,
Witold Pepiński,
Małgorzata Skawrońska,
Zofia Mariak,
Renata Zalewska,
Jerzy Janica,
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Original paper
Clinical efficacy of ciprofloxacin 0,3% (Ciloxan) in the treatment of bacterial infections of external eye segment
Andrzej Stankiewicz,
Mariusz Kosatka,
Arkadiusz Goś
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Case report
Advancements in diagnosis and surgical treatment of strabismus in adolescents and adults
Anna Broniarczyk-Loba,
Olimpia Nowakowska,
Iwona Laudańska-Olszewska,
Wojciech Omulecki
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Case report
Ocular complications in children with Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Anna Gotz-Więckowska,
Jadwiga Bernardczyk-Meller,
Piotr Rakowicz
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Case report
Central retinal vein occlusion in course of idiopathic carotid-cavernous fistula
Wojciech Kątski,
Anna Matysik,
Ewa Belniak,
Maciej Szajner,
Ali Munir,
Joanna Wojczal
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
Vitrectomy in diabetic macular edema
Agnieszka Nowosielska,
Jacek Robaszkiewicz,
Ewa Graczyńska,
Wojciech Czarnecki,
Andrzej Stankiewicz
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
The laser correction of myopia and myopic astigmatism in children – literature review
Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek,
Stanisława Gierek-Ciaciura
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
New methods of therapy for ocular inflammatory autoimmune diseases
Agnieszka Kubicka-Trząska,
Anetta Undas
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
Formation of congenital anomalies of the optic disc Part I. Embryological and genetic aspects of development the optic disc and nerve
Małgorzata Wojtulewicz,
Władysław Marcinkiewicz,
Marek Rękas,
Mariusz Kosatka
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
Formation of congenital anomalies of the optic disc Part II. Congenital anomalies of the optic disc with inappropriate disc size
Małgorzata Wojtulewicz,
Władysław Marcinkiewicz,
Andrzej Stankiewicz,
Marek Rękas,
Mariusz Kosatka
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
Autoregulation of the retinal circulatory system
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Review article
Patients with HBV, HCV and HIV antigens medical management rules – hospitalization, surgical procedures, equipment sterilization principles
Jerzy Szaflik,
Agata Bełżecka-Majszyk
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Educational article
Hippocrates of Kos – ophthalmologic aspects in the work of father of medicine
Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Educational article
Father Wacław Szuniewicz – polish missionary, ophthalmologist, pioner of refractive surgery of cornea
Lech Bieganowski
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
Educational article
Dr n. med. Wojciech Czarnecki (1953-2003)
Krzysztof Semenicki,
Grażyna Zajkowska
Online publish date: 2003-12-21
In memoriam
Dr n. med. Wojciech Czarnecki (1953-2003)
Krzysztof Semenicki,
Grażyna Zajkowska
Online publish date: 2003-12-21