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vol. 127 abstract:
Original article
The dynamics of ocular length growth and refraction increases in children and adolescents with myopia
Izabela Radowska
Monika Górska
Alina Bakunowicz-Łazarczyk
KLINIKA OCZNA 2025, 127, 1: 15-20
Online publish date: 2025/03/25
Aim of the study:
The aim of this study was to analyze the dynamics of ocular length growth and refractive error increases in children and adolescents with myopia. Material and methods: This retrospective study enrolled 810 patients (1,620 eyes), aged 7 to 18, diagnosed with myopia. Each patient had their age, refractive error and ocular axial length determined at diagnosis and at follow-ups performed every six months. Results: The results were subject to statistical analysis. The greatest ocular length growth and refractive error increases were found to occur between 10 and 13 years of age. Faster progression of myopia was seen in patients with baseline refractive error > –6 diopters (D). Conclusions: These groups of children should undergo ophthalmological examinations on a more frequent basis. The data collected in our study may in the future be used to develop a simulation model for myopia progression. keywords:
myopia, refraction, ocular length growth, children |